Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Voy a participar en dos congresos esta primavera. El primero, a mediados de febrero, es la conferencia conjunta del ACMRS y del RMMRA, en Tempe, Arizona. Se van a tratar aspectos sobre la construccion generica medieval. La Keynote Speaker sera la profesora Valerie Traub, de la Universidad de Michigan.

El segundo es es la conferencia internacional de estudios medievales en Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University. Mi ponencia esta incluida en la sesion de "Fifteenth-century Studies", en el panel de "Spanish Language and Literature in the Late Middle Ages (including Catalan)". En mi mesa estaran la profesora Roxana Recio (Creighton), como organizadora y Josefa Lindquist (NC-Chapel Hill), presidiendo el panel.
Yo presento mi ponencia junto a Edward J. Neugaard, de South Florida; Maria Dolores Bollo-Panadero, de Miami University y Jaime Leanyos, de la University of Nevada-Reno.
Libros que me interesan
Estos son los libros que (en un mundo ideal, donde ni el dinero ni el tiempo fueran un factor determinante) me apetece leer. Los he sacado de diversas editoriales academicas y de Speculum. Hay algunos (muy pocos) clasicos y otros (la inmensa mayoria) muy recientes.
  • Harvey, L.P. Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500.
  • Kenneth Baxter Wolf, trans. Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain.
  • Schultz, James A. Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality.
  • Huizinga, Johan. The Autumn of the Middle Ages.
  • Edson, E. y E. Savage-Smith. Medieval Views of the Cosmos.
  • Brague, Remi. The Wisdom of the World: The Human Experience of the Universe in Western Thought.
  • Rudolph, Conrad. Pilgrimage to the End of the World: The Road to Santiago de Compostela.
  • Holsinger, Bruce. The Premodern Condition: Medievalism and the Making of Theory.
  • Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century.
  • Pelikan, Jaroslav. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. (5 vols.) [Me interesan todos menos el ultimo, que se ocupa desde 1700 hasta la actualidad]
  • Harrington, K.P. Medieval Latin. [Un dia de estos deberia plantearme seriamente aprender latin... El texto es una antologia literaria]
  • Scafi, Alessandro. Mapping Paradise: A History of Heaven on Earth.
  • Campbell, Stephen J. Artists at Court: Image-Making and Identity 1300-1550.
  • Bloch, Marc. Feudal Society (2vols.)
  • Duby, Georges. The Age of the Cathedrals: Art and Society, 980-1420.
  • LeGoff, Jacques. The Medieval Imagination
  • Siraisi, Nancy G. Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine.
  • Mali, Joseph. Mythistory
  • Mitchell, Joshua. Not by Reason Alone: Religion, History, and Identity in Early Modern Political Thought.
  • Linehan, Peter and Janet L. Nelson. The Medieval World.
  • Marenbon, John. Medieval Philosophy: An Introduction.
  • Saunders, John Joseph. A History of Medieval Islam.
  • Hunt, Jocelyn. Spain 1474-1598.
  • Evans, G.R. Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers
  • Gerli, E. Michael. Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia.
  • Roth, Norman. Medieval Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia.
  • Ostrowska Kaufmann, Wanda. The Anthropology of Wisdom Literature.
  • Egginton, William. How the World Became a Stage: Presence, Theatricality, and the Question of Modernity.
  • Ward, Aengus, ed. Teoria y practica de la historiografia hispanica medieval.
  • Bartlett, Robert. The Making of Europe.
  • Elias, Norbert. The Society of Individuals.
  • -------------. The Civilizing Process.
  • Adams, Jenny. Power Play: The Literature and Politics of Chess in the Late Middle Ages.
  • Ray, Jonathan. The Sephardic Frontier: The Reconquista and the Jewish Community in Medieval Iberia.
  • Caciola, Nancy. Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Spirits in the Middle Ages.
  • Jager, Eric. The Tempter's Voice: Language and the Fall in Medieval Literature.
  • Farber, Lianna. An Anatomy of Trade in Medieval Writing: Value, Consent and Community.
  • Southern, R.W. Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe: Foundations.
  • Zwartjes, Otto. Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure and Meaning of the Kharja.
  • Edwards, John. The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs, 1474-1520.
  • Geary, Patrick J. The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe.
  • Classen, Albrecht. Violence in Courtly Medieval Literature.
  • Carruthers, Mary J. The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture.
  • Reilly, Bernard F. The Medieval Spains.
  • Constable, Olivia Remie. Medieval Iberia: Readings from Christian, Muslim and Jewish Sources.
  • Badiou, Alain. Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism.
  • Reynolds, Suzanne. Medieval Reading: Grammar, Rhetoric and the Classical Text.
  • Archer, Robert. Misoginia y Defensa de las mujeres: Antologia de textos medievales.
  • Gerli, E. Michael y Julian Weiss, eds. Poetry at Court in Trastamaran Spain: From the Cancionero de Baena to the Cancionero general.
  • Lees, Clare A. y Thelma S. Fenster, eds. Gender in Debate from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
  • Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire.
  • Lerner, Gerda. The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to 1870.
  • Jaeger, C. Stephen. The Origins of Courtliness: Civilizing Trends and the Formation of Courtly Ideals, 939-1210.
  • Lida de Malkiel, Maria Rosa. La idea de la fama en la edad media castellana.
  • Cadden, Joan. The Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture.
  • Stone, Marilyn y Carmen Benito-Vessels, eds. Women at Work in Spain: From the Middle Ages to Early Modern Times.
  • Catedra, Pedro M. Amor y Padagogia en la Edad Media: Estudios de doctrina amorosa y practica literaria.
  • ------------------. Sermon, sociedad y literatura en la edad media: San Vicente Ferrer en Castilla (1411-1412).
  • Minnis, Alastair J. Medieval Theory of Authorship: Scholastic Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages.
  • Whinnom, Keith. La poesia amatoria de la epoca de los Reyes catolicos.
  • Surtz, Ronald E. Writing Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain: The Mothers of Saint Teresa of Avila.
  • Filios, Denise K.. Performing Women in the Middle Ages: Sex, Gender, and the Iberian Lyric.
  • Liu, Benjamin. Medieval Joke Poetry: The "Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer"
  • Yarza Luaces, Joaquin. La nobleza ante el rey: Los grandes linajes castellanos y el arte en el siglo XV.
  • Severin, Dorothy Sherman. Del manuscrito a la imprenta en la epoca de Isabel la Catolica.
  • Gomez Redondo, Fernando. Historia de la prosa medieval castellana, 3. Los origenes del humanismo: El marco cultural de Enrique III y Juan II.
  • Rodriguez Puertolas, Julio. Poesia critica y satirica del siglo XV
  • Blackmore, Josiah y Gregory S. Hutcheson. Queer Iberia: Sexualities, Cultures, and Crossings from the Middle Ages to the Reanaissance.
  • Whitman, John. Interpretaton and Allegory: Antiquity to the Modern Period.

Teoria Basica

Esta es una breve lista de titulos teoricos que me interesan. Se centran en los procesos constructivos de identidad cultural. Como se suele decir, no estan todos los que son, pero si son todos los que estan. He excluido, muy conscientemente, titulos que se centran en la identidad nacional o que tratan especificamente de estos procesos durante la edad media.

Stephen Greenblatt Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare
Practicing New Historicism
Hayden White Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism
Edward Said Power, Politics and Culture
Fredric Jameson Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late-Capitalism
Pierre Bourdieu Outline of a Theory of Practice
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste
Michel de Certeau Heterologies: Discourse on the Other
Raymond Williams The Country and the City
Clifford Geertz Interpretation of Cultures
Victor Turner The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure
Mary Douglas Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo
Terry Eagleton Literary Theory: An Introduction
The Idea of Culture
Jonathan Culler Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction
Paul Ricoeur Memory, History, Forgetting
Richard Rorty Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Michel Foucault Archaelogy of Knowledge
Discourse on Language
History of Sexuality